
Thursday, May 9, 2013

Milk –Solution Of All Diseases

सभी प्रकार के रोगों की दवा दूध
(Milk –Solution Of All Diseases)

दूध पुराने समय से ही मनुष्य को बहुत
पसन्द है। दूध को धरती का अमृत कहा गया है।
... दूध में विटामिन `सी´ को छोड़कर शरीर के
लिए सभी पोषक तत्त्व यानि विटामिन हैं।
इसलिए दूध को पूर्ण भोजन माना गया है।

सभी दूधों में माता के दूध को श्रेष्ठ
माना जाता है, दूसरे क्रम में गाय का दूध
है। बीमार लोगों के लिए गाय का दूध
श्रेष्ठ है। गैस तथा मन्दपाचनशक्ति वालों को सोंठ,
इलायची, पीपर, पीपरामूल जैसे पाचक मसाले
डालकर उबला हुआ दूध पीना चाहिए। दूध
को ज्यादा देर तक उबालने से उसके पोषक
तत्व कम हो जाते हैं और दूध
गाढ़ा हो जाता है।

दूध को उबालकर उससे मलाई निकाली जाती है।
मलाई गरिष्ठ, शीतल (ठण्डा), बलवर्धक,
तृप्तिकारक, पुष्टिकारक, कफकारक और
धातुवर्धक है। यह पित, वायु, रक्तपित एवं
रक्तदोष को खत्म करती है। गुड़ डाला हुआ
दूध मूत्रकृच्छ (पेशाब में जलन) को खत्म
करता है, यह पित्त और बलगम को बढ़ाती है।
सुबह का दूध विशेषकर शाम के दूध
की तुलना में भारी व ठण्डा होता है। रात
में पिया हुआ दूध बुद्धिवर्द्धक,
टी.बी.नाशक, बूढ़ों के लिए वीर्यप्रद
आदि दोषों को खत्म करने वाला होता है।
खाने के बाद होने वाली जलन को शान्त करने
के लिए रात में दूध पीना चाहिए।
दूध ज्यादा जलन वालों, कमजोर शरीर वालों,
बच्चों, जवानों और बूढ़ों सभी के लिए
अत्यन्त लाभकारी है। यह जल्दी ही वीर्य
पैदा करती है। भैंस के दूध में
चर्बी की मात्रा होने से वह पचने में
भारी रहता है। `चरक´ के अनुसार गाय का दूध
स्वादिष्ट, शीतल (ठण्डा), कोमल, भारी और मन
को खुश करने वाला होता है।

बकरी का दूध कषैला, मीठा, शीतल, मन
को रोकने वाला तथा हल्का होता है। यह
रक्तपित्त, अतिसार (दस्त), क्षय (टी.बी.),
खांसी तथा बुखार को दूर करता है।
बकरियां कद में छोटी होती हैं और तीखे व
कड़वे पदार्थ सेवन करती हैं, पानी कम
पीती है, मेहनत अधिक करती हैं। अत:
उनका दूध सारे रोगों को खत्म करता है।

स्वस्थ बकरी का दूध ज्यादा निरोग
माना जाता है। गाय के दूध की तुलना में
बकरी का दूध जल्दी पचता है। अत: छोटे
बच्चों के लिए यह लाभकारी है।
स्त्री का दूध हल्का, ठण्डा, जलन एवं वायु,
पित, आंखों के रोग और ‘शूलनाशक है। यह नाक
से सूंघने से तथा आंखों में डालने के लिए
गुणकारी है।

अलग-अलग प्राणियों के दूध की अलग-अलग
विशेषताएं हैं। भैंस का दूध निद्राकारक
(नींद लाने वाला) है। बकरी का दूध खांसी,
अतिसार (दस्त) और बुखार को दूर करता है।
भेड़ का दूध गर्मी और पथरी को दूर करता है।

घोड़ी का दूध गर्म और बलकारी होता है।
ऊंटनी का दूध जलोदर (पेट में पानी भरना)
को मिटाता है। गधी का दूध
बच्चों को शक्ति प्रदान करता है, और दिल
को मजबूत बनाता है यह खांसी में
भी ज्यादा लाभकारी है।

यूनानी चिकित्सा पद्धति के अनुसार-दूध
पाचक, दिल-दिमाग को खुश करने वाला, शरीर
को कोमल तथा मजबूत बनाने वाला, शरीर
की रौनक बढ़ाने वाला, बुद्धिवर्द्धक एवं
अर्श (बवासीर), क्षय (टी.बी.) और बुढ़ापे
की बीमारियों में लाभकारी है।
दुग्धकल्प और दुग्ध आहार :

दूध एक सम्पूर्ण आहार होता है। इसमें सभी आवश्यक
तत्व उपस्थिति होते हैं। सभी दूधों में
भी गाय का दूध सर्वाधिक लाभदायक होता है।
बशर्तें गाय को आहार अच्छा दिया जाए और
दूध दुहने में स्वच्छता बरती जाए यदि गाय,
भैंस और बकरी स्वस्थ है तो सीधे थन से
ही अथवा एक उबाल का दूध पीना चाहिए।
दूध आहार और दुग्धकल्प में थोड़ा अन्तर
है। दूध आहार में दूध के साथ अन्य आहार
भी लिया जाता है किन्तु दुग्धकल्प में
सिर्फ दूध ही पिया जाता है, वह
भी योजनाबद्ध तरीके से।

1 : शिशु शक्तिवर्धक
बच्चे बड़े होने पर कमजोर हो या उन्हें
सूखा रोग (रिकेटस) हो तो उन्हें दूध में
बादाम मिलाकर पिलाने से लाभ होता है।
2 : शक्तिवर्धक
आधा किलो दूध में 250 ग्राम गाजर
को कद्दूकस से छोटे-छोटे पीस करके उबालकर
सेवन करने से दूध जल्दी हजम हो जाता है।
दस्त साफ आता है व दूध में लोहे
की मात्रा अधिक हो जाती है।

3 : स्त्रीप्रसंग के बाद
की कमजोरी
स्त्री प्रसंग करने के बाद एक
गिलास दूध में 5 बादाम पीसकर मिलाएं और
इसमें 1 चम्मच देशी घी डालें और पी जाएं।
इस प्रयोग से बल मिलता है। नामर्दी दूर
करने के लिए सर्दियों के मौसम में दूध में
लगभग 1 ग्राम का चौथा भाग केसर डालकर
पीना चाहिए।
4 : अम्लपित्त
जिन्हें अम्लपित्त (पेट से कंठों तक जलन)
हो, उन्हें दिन में 3 बार ठण्डा दूध पीने
से लाभ होता है।गाय या बकरी के दूध
का प्रयोग करना चाहिए। भैंस के दूध
का सेवन हानिकारक होता है, इसलिए
इसका इस्तेमाल नहीं करना चाहिए।
आधा गिलास कच्चा दूध, आधा गिलास पानी, 2
पिसी हुई छोटी इलायची मिलाकर सुबह पीने
से अम्लपित्त में लाभ होता है।

5 : थकान
थकावट दूर करने के लिए 1 गिलास गर्म दूध
सेवन करना चाहिए।
6 : होठों का सौन्दर्य
1 चम्मच कच्चे दूध में थोड़ा-सा केसर
मिलाकर होंठों पर मालिश करने से
होंठों का कालापन दूर होकर रौनक बढ़ती है।

7 : चेहरे का सौन्दर्य
चेहरे पर से झांई, मुंहासे और दाग-धब्बे
हटाने के लिए रात को सोने से पहले गर्म
दूध चेहरे पर मलें, फिर आधे घंटे के बाद
साफ पानी से धोयें इससे चेहरे
की सुन्दरता बढे़गी, दूध की झाग चेहरे पर
मलने से दाग-धब्बे समाप्त हो जाते हैं।
चेहरे पर झांई, कील, मुंहासे, दाग, धब्बे
दूर करने के लिए सोने से पहले गर्म दूध
चेहरे पर मले, चेहरा धोएं। आधा घंटे बाद
साफ पानी से चेहरा धोएं। इससे चेहरे
का सौन्दर्य बढ़ेगा। चेहरे के धब्बों पर
ताजे दूध के झाग मिलने से धब्बे मिट जाते
हैं। सोते समय चेहरे पर दूध की मलाई लगाने
से भी कील-मुहांसे तथा दाग-धब्बों पर
ताजे दूध के झाग मलने से धब्बे मिट जाते
8 : खुजली
दूध में पानी मिलाकर रूई के फाहे से ‘शरीर
पर रगड़ने के थोड़ी देर बाद स्नान करने से
खुजली मिट जाती है।

9 : आधासीसी का दर्द
सूर्योदय (सुबह सूरज उगने से पहले) से
पहले गर्म दूध के साथ जलेबी या रबड़ी खाने
से आधाशीशी (आधे सिर के दर्द) का दर्द दूर
हो जाता है।50 ग्राम बकरी के दूध में लगभग
50 ग्राम भांगरे के रस को मिलाकर धूप में
गर्म होने के लिए रख दें। अब इस मिले हुए
दूध में लगभग 5 ग्राम कालीमिर्च के चूर्ण
को मिलाकर सिर में मलने से आधे सिर
का दर्द दूर हो जाता है। सूरज के उगने से
पहले दूध के साथ गर्म-गर्म जलेबी खाने से
आधासीसी (आधे सिर का दर्द) का दर्द दूर
हो जाता है।
10 : आंखों के रोग
आंखों में चोट लगी हो, जलन हो रही हो,
मिर्च-मसाला गिरा हो, कोई कीड़ा गिर
गया हो या दर्द होता हो, तो रूई के फाहे
को दूध में भिगोकर आंखों पर रखने से आराम
मिलता है। दूध की 2 बूंदे दूध आंखों में
भी डालने से भी लाभ होता है।

11 : आंखों में अवांछित चीज गिर जाना
आंखों के अन्दर तिनका या कोई चीज गिर जाए
और वह निकल न रहा हो तो आंख में दूध की 3
बूंदे डालें। दूध की चिकनाहट से अवांछित
चीज आंख से बाहर निकल जाएगी।
12 : सांस की नली के रोग
दूध में 5 पीपल डालकर गर्म करें, इसमें
चीनी डालकर सुबह और ‘शाम पीने से सांस
की नली के रोग जैसे खांसी, जुकाम, दमा,
फेफड़े की कमजोरी तथा वीर्य की कमी आदि रोग
दूर होते हैं।

13 : वीर्य की पुष्टता
सुबह नाश्ते में 1 केला, 10 ग्राम
देशी घी के साथ खाकर ऊपर से दूध पी लें।
दोपहर के बाद 2 केले, लगभग 30 ग्राम खजूर,
1 चम्मच देशी घी खाकर ऊपर से दूध पीयें।
ऐसा रोजाना करने से ‘शरीर में वीर्य
की मात्रा बढ़ जाती है।
14 : मूत्राशय के रोग
मूत्राशय के रोग में दूध में गुड़ मिलाकर
पीने से लाभ होता है।

15 : बच्चों के दांत गलना
बच्चों को दूध पिलाने के बाद थोड़ा-
सा पानी पिलायें। बच्चे को कोई भी चीज
खाने-पीने के बाद थोड़ा-सा पानी पिलाएं और
कुल्ले करायें। इससे बच्चों के दांत
नहीं गलते हैं।
16 : दस्त
छोटे बच्चों को दस्त हो तो गर्म दूध में
चुटकीभर पिसी हुई दालचीनी डालकर पिलाने
से दस्त बंद हो जाते हैं। बड़ों को इसे
दोगुनी मात्रा में पिलाना चाहिए।

17 : दूध पीने का उपयोगी समय
सुबह के समय दूध पीना बहुत
ही लाभकारी होता है। दूध का पाचन सूर्य
की गर्मी से होता है। अत: रात को दूध
नहीं पीना चाहिए। साधारणतया दूध सोने से
तीन घंटे पहले पीना चाहिए। रात
को ज्यादा गर्म दूध पीने से स्वप्नदोष
होने की संभावना रहती है।
18 : दूध कैसा पीयें
ताजा गर्म दूध पीना अच्छा रहता है। यदि यह
सम्भव न हो तो दूध गर्म करके पीयें। गर्म
उतना ही करें जितना गर्म पिया जा सकता है।
दूध को ज्यादा उबालने से दूध के
प्राकृतिक गुण समाप्त हो जाते हैं। दूध
को बहुत उलट-पुलट कर झाग पैदा करके धीरे-
धीरे पीने से दूध पीने में मजा आता है।
19 : दूध में मिठास
चीनी में मिला दूध कफकारक होता है। अक्सर
दूध में चीनी मिलाकर मीठा करके पीते हैं।
चीनी मिलाने से दूध में जो कैल्शियम
होता है वह खत्म हो जाता है। इसलिए दूध
में चीनी मिलाना उचित नहीं होता है। दूध
में प्राकृतिक मिठास होती है। फीके दूध
को पीने से थोड़े ही समय में उसके
प्राकृतिक मिठास का आभास होने लगता है और
उसमें बाहर की कोई चीज डालकर मीठा करने
की जरूरत नहीं होती है। जहां तक हो सके
दूध में चीनी न मिलाएं अगर मिठास की जरूरत
हो तो शहद, मीठे फलों का रस,
मुनक्का को भिगोकर इसका पानी, गन्ने का रस
या ग्लूकोज मिलायें।
बूरा या मिश्री मिला हुआ दूध
वीर्यवर्द्धक और त्रिदोषनाशक होता है।
20 : दूध का शीघ्र पाचन
किसी-किसी बच्चे या व्यक्ति को दूध हजम
नहीं होता या उन्हें दूध
अच्छा नहीं लगता। इसके लिए दूध उबालते
समय उसमें 1 पीपल डालकर दूध उबालकर
पीयें। इससे पेट में गैस नहीं बनती। दूध
में शहद मिलाकर पीने से भी पेट में गैस
नहीं बनती है। दूध जल्दी पच जाता है। दूध
के साथ नारंगी, मौसमी का रस मिलाकर पीने
से या दूध पीकर ऊपर से नारंगी खाने से दूध
जल्दी पच जाता है। अगर दूध बादी करता हो,
गैस बनाता हो तो अदरक के टुकड़े या सोंठ
का चूर्ण और किशमिश मिलाकर सेवन
करना चाहिए।

21 : किन रोगों में दूध नहीं पीना चाहिए
खांसी, दमा, दस्त, पेचिश, पेट दर्द और अपच
के रोग में हमें दूध नहीं पीना चाहिए।
इनमें ताजा छाछ (मट्ठा) पीना चाहिए।

Saturday, June 9, 2012

31 Breathtaking Planet & Space Tutorials For Photoshop | Design Reviver

31 Breathtaking Planet & Space Tutorials For Photoshop | Design Reviver

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fruits For Summer

 Fruits For Summer

Summer heat can be very exhausting and dehydrating but with these cooling foods, you don't need to sit under the air conditioner all day. The elderly and young children are at a high risk of suffering from these abnormal temperatures. There is a way to cool your body from the inside out - by eating plenty of cooling foods that can help you beat the summer heat! Here is a list of cooling foods that will keep your body cool from the inside out. The best part is - it's natural, healthy and cheap!

Nature has given fruits like Watermelon, cantaloupe,for this season.

Beat the Summer Heat

Summer heat can be very exhausting and dehydrating but with these cooling foods, you don't need to sit under the air conditioner all day. Did you know that according to World Socialist Website, 39 people died across the US because of extreme heat waves? The elderly and young children are at a high risk of suffering from these abnormal temperatures. There is a way to cool your body from the inside out - by eating plenty of cooling foods that can help you beat the summer heat! Here is a list of cooling foods that will keep your body cool from the inside out. The best part is - it's natural, healthy and cheap!
Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods

Cooling Foods to Beat the Summer Heat

This wonderful water-filled vegetable is not only a great way to beat the scorching heat but it offers low calories so it's very healthy. It contains zero fat and no cholesterol. What's more when eaten with its peel, it is a good dietary fiber that helps prevent constipation and that in the long run, prevents extra buildup of heat in the body. So, use cucumbers and other leafy vegetables with high water content to make a fresh vegetable or fruit salad.
On that sizzling summer day, what's better than enjoying a refreshing energy drink made by blending sizeable water melon cubes with fresh lime juice and popping in a few ice cubes?
A watermelon roughly contains 80-90% water making it a great thirst quencher. It also has a light taste of sweet sugar syrup that beats the neutral taste of natural water. Juicy and delicious water melons are a rich source of essential vitamins like vitamin A, B and C and anti-oxidants like lycopene. Eating a huge wedge of water melon sitting on your front porch is one of the best ways to enjoy the crunchy cooling fruit.
Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Coconut water
Coconut water is basically the translucent juice found inside a coconut when cracked open. The sweet water is packed with sugars, vitamins, minerals, electrolytes that make up this most refreshing natural drink. It replenishes and hydrates the body, keeping the body water levels balanced. It should be taken without any additional ingredients and immediately be used or stored in the refrigerator because it spoils easily. A simple way to enjoy this drink is by adding lime and mint leaves to iced coconut water.
Summer squash
What food screams summer more than summer squash? This creamy fleshy white food is a good source of anti-oxidants like carotenoids. It belongs to a family of plants that are related to watermelon and even cucumbers. Apart from having anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties, summer squash has healthy nutrients that help regulate blood sugar in our bodies. You can prepare a healthy meal of this yummy food by steaming it, which helps to retain most of the nutrients contrary to boiling or cooking using a microwave. It is better to eat summer squash alone or 30 minutes before a meal to prevent bloating.
Once summer pops up, there's a lemonade stand in every street you turn. Gulping down a chilled glass of good old lemonade is simply bliss on a hot sticky day. It has high water content and is rich in Vitamin C since it is made out of lemon.

Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Yogurt Smoothies
Yoghurt is a very important summer food as it cools you from the inside. Yogurt also aids in stomach digestive problems and it is easier to digest than milk. Since it is got from milk, yogurt has got calcium, important for skeletal health and bone-building. Make a power-boosting and energizing drink from yogurt. You can choose from simple homemade apricot smoothie blended in yogurt with a tangy taste to a frothy tasty mango lassi. However you take it, yogurt is a great way to stay cool in summer.

Citrus fruits
Apples, lime, oranges, grape fruit, peaches, pears among others have high water content and are rich in Vitamin C. Citrus fruits also aid in digestion and help in the breakdown of fatty foods, thereby keeping you in shape. By releasing heat from the body, they regulate the body's hydration levels. Toss a handful of citrus fruits in your fruit salad and enjoy a healthy and fruity desert that will keep you cool in the summer.

Spicy pickles
Thinking of spicy hot foods and boiling hot summer in one sentence can make anyone go crazy. But spicy foods actually cool the body by increasing circulation of blood and also by inducing sweating which releases the excessive heat from our bodies. Adding spices like hot chili pepper, capsicum or ginger helps to rapidly raise your body temperature then lower it which lowers your internal body temperature. Try different chilly foods ranging from Indian curries, sizzling Mexican summer salad to Thai soups.

Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Beat the Summer Heat with Cooling Foods
Source: Iced Green Tea
Green Tea
For tea lovers out there, it's a relief there's something called iced green tea which you can enjoy in summer. The light green drink originated from China and can simply be made by boiling green tea leaves in distilled water. Green tea is full of anti-oxidants and had anti-aging properties that keep your skin smooth from any wrinkles. Sunburns can be healed by taking green tea. Because of its slightly bitter taste, green tea maybe unpleasant but you can add a little zest by brewing it with mint leaves for a refreshing taste and serve over ice.

Cooling Foods - What about Ice Cream?

Surprisingly, ice cream and ice cold beverages like beer are not on the list because they intervene with digestion and sweating. Of course they can give you temporary relief but in the long run affect your body's natural cooling system.
Armed with these cooling foods, you can beat the summer heat and you can keep cool and healthy starting from the inside.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Home Remedy for Toothache

 Home Remedy for Toothache
Toothache is the pain that is caused in and around a tooth. Medically known as odontalgia, it can range from being just a mild discomfort to excruciating pain. Chewing and exposure to extremes of temperature, such as cold or heat, can aggravate the pain. Toothache usually results when a nerve, in the root of a tooth, gets irritated. Right from the emergence of wisdom tooth to dental decay, there are various causes that can lead to toothache. To know more about the causes of toothache, along with its symptoms, go through the following lines.

Causes Of Toothache
  • Dental decay
  • Fracture of the tooth
  • Cracked tooth
  • Tooth cavity
  • Irritation of the tooth pulp, following dental treatment
  • An exposed tooth root
  • Emergence of wisdom teeth
  • Gum diseases
  • Impacted teeth
  • Spasms of the muscles
  • Excessive consumption of soft drinks
  • An abscess in the gum (lateral periodontal abscess).
  • Ulceration of the gums (acute ulcerative gingivitis).
  • Inflammation of the gum around a tooth, which is in the process of growing/breaking through (pericoronitis).
  • Swelling of the pulp
  • Excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates and sugar
  • Faulty diet
  • Tooth infection
Symptoms Of Toothache
  • Throbbing pain in the tooth
  • Pain while chewing
  • Hot or cold sensitivity
  • Bleeding or discharge around a tooth or gums
  • Swelling around a tooth
  • Swelling of the jaw
  • Injury or trauma to teeth/gums

Home remedy for Toothache
  • Place a clove of garlic, dipped in rock salt, under the affected tooth. Alternatively, chew a clove of garlic every morning. Along with curing the teeth, it would also make them strong.
  • Another effective home remedy for toothache would be to chew a raw onion everyday. It is believed that chewing a raw onion for three minutes every day is sufficient to kill all the germs in the mouth.
  • Lime serves as a rich source of Vitamin C and is, thus, effective in curing all the dental problems. Rubbing a piece of lime on the aching tooth is sure to bring relief.
  • Wheat grass proves beneficial in the treatment of toothache. Whenever you are suffering from the ailment, chew a piece of wheat grass. It would help in extracting the toxins from the gum and also provide relief.
  • Grind some asafetida and lemon juice. Now, heat this solution slightly. Dip a cotton ball in it and place it over the tooth cavity.
  • Make a paste with bay berry and vinegar. Apply this paste over the affected tooth.
  • Clove oil proves useful in treating toothache. Apply this oil over the affected tooth and leave there for sometime.
  • To a 1/4 tsp of common salt, add a pinch of pepper powder. Apply this mixture over the affected tooth. This is sure to relieve a person from pain.
  • Add a pinch of pepper in ½ tsp of clove oil and apply on the affected tooth to get relief.
  • For instant relief, put 2 to 3 drops of vanilla extract on the aching tooth.
  • Another effective home remedy would be to peel a potato and cut it into slices. Put one of the slices on the aching tooth, for 15 minutes.
  • Dip a tea bag in a cup of boiling water. Once the tea bag gets hot, place it over the tooth. This would provide instant relief.
  • Applying oregano oil on the tooth would provide relief from the pain.
  • Another effective home remedy would be to chew some leaves of the guava tree.
  • Place an ice cube over the aching tooth, for about 15 to 20 minutes. Repeat the process at least three to four times a day.
  • Soak a cotton ball in brandy and squeeze it over the affected tooth.
  • Rinse the affected tooth with some whiskey. For this, take a mouthful of whiskey and savor it over the affected tooth for sometime.
  • For toothache that results from trapped food, take a mouthful of water and rinse your mouth thoroughly. This would surely help in removing the stuck food particles.
  • In 3 to 4 drops of mustard oil, add a pinch of salt. Massage the jaws with this mixture. Not only would it provide relief from toothache, but also make the gums and jaws strong.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Health Remedies
Suffering from bad breath? Chewing on "saunf" makes your breath fresh and removes strong odours.
Indigestion? 1 tsp. of mint juice mixed with an equal amount of honey and lemon juice is a good cure for
Stomachache due to dehydration ? Chew betel leaves with a few rock salt crystals. It gives immediate relief.
Cure for constipation in babies Give them ½ tsp. to one teaspoon of homemade ghee with a few granules of
sugar and juice of black currents(draksh) soaked overnight in water can be given to the baby in the morning. Both,
the ghee-sugar mixture and currant juice, can be given once a day.
Painful gums and bleeding teeth ? Apply a powdered mixture of 500g. of green guava peel with 10g. each of
phitkari (alum), kali mirch (black salt) and sendha namak (black salt) on your teeth twice a day and this will provide
relief in less than a week.
Slim fast By eating a tomato everyday before your breakfast for two months and it will help you slim down.
Cure for diarrhoea Grind a lemon along with seeds and rind to a paste. Add a little salt. This makes an effective
cure for diarrhoea.
Bite a clove to ease a toothache Biting on a clove or rubbing clove oil on the tooth cavity itself will relieve the
To make the taste of medicine palatable for children Make them suck an ice cube before taking the medicine as
the cold chills the taste buds and the child will take the medicine without any difficulty.
Have honey for an itchy throat? Having honey will relieve the itchiness as it moisturizes the throat passage and
has curative properties.
Constipated? Have an apple to cure constipation.
Suffering from acidity? Chewing on a few tulsi leaves will relieve burning, nausea and gas. For those with a
sensitive stomach - add tulsi in any recipe using tomatoes.
For clearing sinuses and blocked nasal passages Boil Eucalyptus leaves and steam with the same water.
Alternately, add a few drops of eucalyptus oil to hot water and steam.
To remove stains from teeth Add a drop of clove oil to the toothpaste before brushing your teeth. For painful
body joints or muscles Use frozen peas in polythene bags as they act like small iceballs and help in giving a good
Sore throat? Drinking a glass of milk in which 1 tsp. "haldi" has been added and boiled will relieve and cure a sore
Wound If you ever have a cut/ wound use the inner peel (membrane) from an onion. Tt stops the bleeding instantly.
To cure cough & cold in small children take a few pieces of Dalchini, few cloves, little ginger, pepper and boil it in
water. When the water reduces to half the amount just store it. When required take a 1/2 tsp and mix it in honey
and give it to the child three times a day. The cold and cough reduces immediately.
Cutting & Peeling
Use kitchen scissors To chop fresh mint, chilies and coriander finely and without any mess.
Keep garlic skins from sticking to your hands while peeling Soak the garlic flakes in a cup of water for five
minutes before peeling.
Potato peel wafers Potato peels can be made into tasty wafers. Immerse the peel in warm water to which a pinch
of salt is added and then dry it. Deep fry till crisp and you have delicious potato wafers.
To cut hard boiled eggs smoothly While cutting hard boiled eggs, the egg yolk often tends to break. To avoid this
dip the knife in cold water for a few seconds and then cut smoothly.
Stop crying while cutting onions After peeling onions cut in half and soak in water for about 5 minutes. Now,
when you cut these onions your eyes will not water.

Eggs will not crack Pierce eggs with a sharp pin before boiling. This way you will prevent them from cracking.
More juice from a lemon Putting a lemon in hot water before squeezing will give you more juice than usual.
Stop crying while cutting onions after peeling the skin keep the onions in the refridgerator for half to one
hour.Then cut. And donot cry
Peeling Almonds Boil almonds in water for 5 min.They peel off easily.

If potatoes or carrots get over-cooked Just mash them well and serve with butter or use it batter for preparing cutlet

When soups and stews get burnt, you can renew its taste. By pouring the liquid gently and carefully into a clean
pan and flavour with curry powder or mustard or some chutney to camouflage the burnt taste.
To remove bitterness from karela Slit it from the middle and rub a mixture of salt, wheat flour and curd over it.
Keep aside for 1/2 an hour, before cooking.
To regain freshness in stale chapatis Just wrap them in a clean cloth and pack them in an airtight container that
will fit into the pressure cooker and pressure cook for two whistles and serve fresh and hot.
For crisp puris Add a little rice flour to the wheat flour while kneading.
To prevent the insides of the cooker from turning black Add a piece of tamarind or lemon peel to the cooker
while boiling.

To preserve the white colour in cauliflower and cabbage. Add a teaspoon of milk or milk powder while cooking.
To prevent the burn sensation after grinding chilies Dip the hands in cold milk.
To prevent milk from curdling while boiling Add a pinch pf baking soda to it and it will regain its freshness.
To save oil while frying Add a pinch of salt to the oil while frying ‘pakodas’ or ‘koftas’ and you will use up less oil.
Boiling Pasta & Noodles Boil pasta/noodles in plenty of water and remove just before it is fully cooked. They
continue to be cooked even after it is removed from flame and drained.
French fries - Sanjeev Kapoor style! First blanch cut potatoes in hot water or medium hot oil till tender, then
deep-fry in very hot oil till crisp. Take care not too add too many potatoes at once to the oil. This causes the
temperature of the oil to come down and you will end up with fries that are greasy, not crisp!
Retain the green of vegetables Green vegetables lose colour if subjected to continuous heat. So, do not overcook
To avoid stickiness in Rice Add a few drops of lemon juice to the rice while cooking, you will find that the grains of
rice will remain separate.
For crispy lady fingers Add a few drops of lemon juice while cooking for a crispy taste.
For crispy Pakodas ‘Pakodas’ will turn out crisper and tastier if you add a little cornflour to the gramflour while
mixing the dough.
Ladyfingers will not stick to the vessel Adding a spoonful of curd to the ladyfingers while cooking while ensure
that they do not stick to the vessel or turn black
To thicken gravies Roast groundnuts and sesame seeds and powder them. This can be used to thicken gravies.
Serving Boiled Noodles later If noodles/pasta has to be used after some time, then refresh the boiled noodles in
cold water and drain. This way they will not stick to each other.
"Carrot" burfi Adding a cupful of grated carrot or beetroot to the coconut while making burfi will give you "natural colouring and nutritional benefits.

Making potato cutlets? When boiling potatoes for cutlets add the salt to the water itself as potatoes absorb salt
better this way.
To remove excess oil in any fried vegetables Sprinkle a little gramflour over the vegetables. Gramflour absorbs
the excess oil and makes the vegetable tastier.
Curry turned out a bit oily and pungent ? Take two bread slices and powder them coarsely. Add this to the curry
and mix well. Bread absorbs the excess oil and spice.
Hurry to cook 'dal' ? Add a little oil and turmeric powder to the dal before placing it in the cooker. It will get done in
10 minutes flat.
Boil potatoes faster Peel and cut potatoes and boil them in water to which a little vinegar is added . They will be
done in no time and will retain the texture as well.
Use coconut milk for frying Coconut milk when kept overnight in the fridge, forms a white layer on top. This layer
can be used as fat instead of oil for frying mutton or chicken.
Make a soft fluffy omelet Heat a non-stick pan and add a little more butter than usual. Now beat the egg and stir
briskly (even while frying) with a fork. This way more air goes in your omelet, making it light and fluffy. Fry till done
and serve hot.
To roll out bhatura easily Roll out each ball of dough into a small puri and cover with a damp cloth. When you
want to serve roll each 'puri' into a larger size. Keep it covered. This way it will be easier to roll out the bhatura.
Prevent onions from burning, frying Add a little milk to onions while frying, this will help retain a rich colour and
prevent them from burning.
Cook pulses like chana etc. even if you have forgotten to soak them overnight Just put the chana in a flask
full of boiling water for an hour. They are ready for cooking.
Soft paneer for children After taking out the butter in the milk cream add a little milk or curd to the remaining
buttermilk and boil. Voila! you now have a soft paneer which is specially good for small children and those with
weak stomachs.
Instant Lemonade Pour lemon juice with sugar and a little salt into ice trays, to make cubes which can be used for
instant lemonade.
Frying Instead of frying Sabudana papadi, chakali, batata papad etc. used for fast, can be roasted in microwave.
Useful for calorie concious women!
Eggs Before beating eggs,rinse the container with water.The mixture will not stick to the sides of the vessel.

To cook corn kernals soft put some milk and water and pressure cook. It becomes tasty and easy to chew.
While making Gulab Jamoon grease your palm with a little ghee the jamoons will not crack and be smooth in
While cooking bhindi (okra) ,add 1-2 pieces of kokam to it. The bhindi will not become sticky.
For frying fish, apply haldi powder, chili powder, coriander-cumin powder and salt. Cover it and keep it in the
refrigerator for about 1 hour before frying. It will not break whilst frying.
To thicken 'tomato saar', add one boiled grated potato & boil the saar again for some time.
Cooking Dal While cooking dal, add two to three drops of oil to cook it faster

To retain the freshness in white flour, semolina and gram flour Store them in the refrigerator and they will
remain fresh and insect-free for long.
To prevent fungal growth in pickles Invert an empty jar over burning coals to which a pinch of asafoetida has
been added. The pickle will remain free from fungus.

To preserve green peas Keep it packed in polythene bags in the freezer.
To preserve the colour of turmeric Apply a little ghee to the bottom and sides of the jar before storing.
To preserve a coconut Keep it in the deep freezer and it will remain fresh for days.
Keep ants away from honey Adding a few peppercorns to the the bottle of honey will keep them away.
To prevent milk from getting spoiled Add half a teaspoon of soda bicarb while boiling milk. It will not get spoiled
even if you forget to put it in the refrigerator.

For ant free sugar Put two to three cloves in the sugar to keep ants at bay.
To prevent papads from drying and breaking Wrap them in a polythene sheet and store along with rice or ‘dal.
To keep coconut kernels fresh Rub a little salt over them, or sprinkle a little salt water on them.
To keep biscuits fresh for a longer time Keep a piece of blotting paper at the bottom of the biscuit jar.
Don't store potatoes near onions! Potatoes rot quickly if stored near onions.
Refrigerate flour Storing flour in an airtight container and refrigerating it doubles their storage time.
Storing Mushrooms Cover mushrooms with a damp cloth or in a paper bag with holes poked in the cloth/bag for
ventilation.This will keep them dry. Refrigerate for long life.
To preserve ginger-garlic paste Fry them in oil before grinding and store in the same oil.
Store peeled potatoes Mix a tsp. of vinegar in cold water and keep the potatoes in it. This will keep them fresh for
4 -5 days.
Preserve dry fruits and sugar All you have to do is add a couple of cloves to the same container as the dry fruits.
Same goes for sugar.
Keep fruits & vegetables fresh longer Wrap them in newspaper before storing them in the fridge.
Preserve coriander leaves or curry leaves Keep them in a muslin cloth bag in the refrigerator. They will remain
fresh for a longer time without getting discolored.
Freshen slightly withered coriander leaves If placed in a polythene bag and stored in the fridge these will
freshen overnight.
Keep green chilies fresh While storing green chilies, remove the stems. This will help the chilies to stay fresh for a
longer time.
Store green peas for 2 years
Tie the shelled green peas in a cloth and dip in boiling water for three minutes. Then
dip in chilled water for three minutes. Dry under the fan till the extra moisture is removed and then pack into airtight
jars or sealed packets. Freeze and use when peas are too costly. They will not spoil for 2 years.
Fresh paneer for days Wrap paneer in blotting paper while storing in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for days
Keep fried papads chips and biscuits fresh and crisp. Put them in a polythene bag and store them in a
refrigerator to keep them fresh for a long time.
Protect rice from insects Dry 50 g. of mint leaves, powder them and add to 10 kg. Of rice. Not only will the mint
leaves keep insects at bay, they will also impart a delicious flavour to the cooked rice.
Preserve eggs for a longer period Wash the eggs and put them slowly in a container full of lime water or mustard
oil. The eggs will not only be preserved for long - they will not get spoiled either.
Store chili powder for longer By keeping a piece of asafoetida in the same container you can store chili powder
for longer.
Keep Fresh coriander and curry leaves wrapped in 2-3 layers of newspaper. It will last for more than a week!

Layer the vegetable compartment of the fridge with two sheets of newspaper, this keeps vegetables fresh longer without any messy , rotten vegetables! and easy to clean.. as all you do is discard the old paper and replace with new !
Clean Spread your kitchen table with two sheets of newspaper. Now cut or grate or peel vegetables on this. Wrap
the mess with the paper and throw.. Bingo! No mess to clean !
Mix lime juice, water, sugar and salt and put them in a ice-tray and freeze them. This can be used anytime for
instant cool drink during summer. Just take a cube and add water to it, stir it on melting and drink it.

Forgot to turn off the flame after cooking vegetables or rice, and it start giving burnt smell, just keep a slice of
bread over it and cover it for 5 minutes. The smell will go of and then transfer the vegetable into another dish.
When u buy the asafoetida, its soft but over a period of time it gets hard. In such a case keep a green or red chili
with it and the hing will always be soft.
For storing rice seeds for a longer period add boric powder in it(special boric powder is available for grains).
Cut spring onions into desired pieces and keep them in container tightly closed in freezer. This will save time and
lasts longer.
To keep almonds fresh for a longer time store it in an air tight container with a little sugar.
If you have a bit of extra wine left over from a party, pour into ice cube trays, and freeze. Once frozen, transfer
to a zip lock baggy or tin foil, and use in any dish that requires wine! The same can be done with left over veggie or
chicken stock

To prevent ice-trays from sticking to the freezer surface Sprinkle a little salt on the surface of the freezer before
placing the ice-trays.

Rusted strainers ? Just warm the rusted strainers on high heat, then dust thoroughly and the rust will disappear.
For cleaning vessels Add a handful of common salt to the washing powder for better results.
If you want a quick salad dressing Blend a cup of curd with little lime juice and seasoning and toss the salad into
Make tasty cutlets out of leftover vegetables Best with cabbage or cauliflower. Boil, peel and mash potatoes with
salt, chopped green chilies, coriander leaves and ginger garlic paste. Mix with the vegetable. Take small portions
and roll into round balls. Flatten and dip the balls in beaten egg. Roll in breadcrumbs and fry in oil till done.
Running short of chili sauce? Make a quick sauce at home! Put a little chili pickle in the mixer and grind for 2-3
minutes to obtain a smooth paste. Add this paste instead of chili sauce to the dish.
To increase the quantity of curd for 'raitas' Grind freshly grated coconut to a fine paste and mix with the curd.
Overripe and difficult to use tomatoes ? Dip them in cold water, add some salt and leave overnight. They will be
fresh and firm to the touch next day.
Make curd in winter Set in a ceramic container and place it on the voltage stabilizer of your refrigerator . It will set
To freshen stale bread Sprinkle a little milk over it and place it in a moderately hot oven for 15 minutes. The crust
will be crispier and the bread tastier.
Run out of fresh bread ? Just keep leftover hardened bread on the lid of a pan containing hot water. The slices
will be soft and as good as fresh, in no time.
Dough sticking to the rolling pin? To prevent fresh dough from sticking to the rolling pin, keep it in the freezer for
a few minutes before using.
Avoid milk from spilling Milk will not spill while boiling if one applies glycerine to the rim of the vessel.
Peaked cake? Peaked top in a cake could be because of too much gluten being developed in the mixture either
due to using too hard a flour or by overbeating. It could also be due to oven temperature being too high.
Sunken cake? Sunken centre in a cake could be due to too much sugar, shown by a sticky centre and very brown
crust. It could also be due to too musch baking powder or undercooking in a low temperature oven

Plant Mint plants all over your kitchen garden to prevent mice, they will never come near to your garden.
For quick setting of curd, add a pinch of sugar to warm milk and then set the curd
When you use cardamom for anything do not throw away the skin instead put them in the teabox and your tea will
start having the flavour of cardamom.

Proteins are a must



Proteins are a must

Every cell of our body contains protein and no other nutrient plays as many different roles in keeping you alive and healthy. The importance of protein is for the growth, maintenance and repair of our body. Without it, you would lack the enzymes and hormones you need for metabolism, digestion and other important processes. Our body can use protein for energy, if necessary, but it’s best to eat plenty of carbohydrates for that purpose and save your protein for the important jobs other nutrients cannot do.

Building blocks

Proteins are necessary for building the structural components of the human body, such as muscles and organs. You also need proteins to keep your immune system healthy, synthesize neurotransmitters, create and signal hormones, and much more. A balanced diet supplies you will all of the protein you need. Meats, eggs, and dairy products are significant sources of protein, but you can also get protein from a variety of grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.

What are proteins made of?

Proteins are made of amino acids. There are 20 amino acids. Rather like the alphabet, the amino acid 'letters' can be arranged in millions of different ways to create 'words' and an entire protein 'language'. Depending on the sequence in which they are combined, the resulting protein carries out specific functions in the body.

These amino acids are of 2 types:
Essential amino acids: Body cannot synthesize them, thus, should be provided by foods. They are 9 of 20.
Nonessential amino acids:  This does not mean you do not need them. You just do not have to eat them because your body can produce them.

Understanding the nonessential amino acids

The 11 non-essential amino acids are not called "non-essential" because they are not important. They are important and your body requires them to perform several functions. These amino acids are called "non-essential" because you do not need to get them from your diet. Your body can build those 11 amino acids from chemicals already present in your body. The non-essential amino acids include: Alanine, Arginine, Asparagine, Aspartic Acid, Cysteine, Glutamic Acid,
Glutamine, Glycine, Proline, Serine, Tyrosine.

The amino acids arginine, cysteine, glycine, and tyrosine are sometimes also considered to be "conditionally essential." That means most people manufacture them on their own, but some with certain illness or genetic abnormalities do not and need to get them through their diets.

Understanding essential amino acids
The nine essential amino acids are called "essential" because you cannot manufacture them; you have to eat proteins that contain those amino acids. Those essential amino acids include: Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan,

Sources of protein

The body gets amino acids from protein-containing foods. Digestive enzymes break proteins into their component parts. The body absorbs the amino acids and then rebuilds them into new sequences that are needed for body growth and maintenance and for the control of body processes.
  • Animal sources: meat, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, dairy products such as yoghurt & cheese etc. Foods from animal sources provide complete proteins, that is, they contain all essential amino acids.
  • Plant sources: beans, peas, peanuts, nuts, seeds, grains etc. Foods from plant sources are incomplete proteins as they lack some of the essential amino acids.
We can get complete protein if you combine them with plant foods from one of these categories – grains, seeds and nuts, and vegetables. Soya bean is the only plant source with complete proteins.

Why is protein so important

There are many different proteins in your body, and they perform different functions. Proteins functions include:

  • Contributing to enzyme activity that promotes chemical reactions in the body.
  • Signalling cells what to do and when to do it.
  • Transporting substances around the body.
  • Keeping fluids and pH balanced in the body.
  • Serving as building blocks for hormone production.
  • Helps blood clotting.
  • Promoting antibody activity that controls immune and allergy functions.
  • Serving as structural components that give our body parts their shapes.

How to digest proteins easily
  • Our body can digest and use animal protein more easily than plant protein. But be sure to avoid excess fat by choosing lean meats and low-fat dairy products.
  • Legumes are next easiest to digest, followed by grains and other plant sources.
  • Cooking protein foods with moist rather than dry heat, perhaps boiled in a stew rather than fried, or soaking meat in a marinade using wine, lemon juice, or vinegar makes it easier to digest.

Cons of a high protein diet

If you are looking for a quick way to lose weight, it is easy to get fired up about a high-protein diet. Unfortunately, the American Heart Association, the American Dietetic Association and other health organizations advise against it. An initial drop in weight is common with a high-protein diet, but it’s due primarily to water loss. These diets don’t work very well in the long run – nor do they build muscles as they claim. Most important, they can be dangerous, increasing your risk of heart disease, kidney disease and artery damage, and bone loss.  While most high-protein foods contain plenty of vitamin B12 and iron, they are low in other vitamins and minerals. Only a diet with lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains supplies the other nutrients that keep you healthy.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

How to Make Geranium Almond Face Cream

Geranium almond face cream is full of essential ingredients and is perfect for mature skin. It is made basically from ready available and accessible materials. One can make this face cream from a fraction of the price of what he or she can buy from a high end store. Another thing to also realize is that, if you have a face oil cream, it's stable so it will skip for up to a year in a cup board without being refrigerated, however if you making a face cream, the moment you add water, it becomes unstable and therefore very skeptical to bacteria. So the good news here is you don't need any preservatives, therefore it wont be necessary to store the cream in a refrigerator.
The following is a list of ingredients one needs to make Geranium almond face cream.
* Cocoa butter
* Beeswax
* Apricot kernel oil
* Jojoba Oil
* Rose petals
* Boiling water
* Rose infusion
* Emulsifying wax
* Rose hip oil
* Vitamin E oil
* Geranium Oil
* Amber or Blue Storage containers

Though from the above glance, you are going to need a bunch of ingredients, one might think that it this might be expensive, but essentially it not. Compared to purchasing a ready made Geranium almond face cream from a boutique store.
The first thing one need to do when making Geranium almond oil is a double-boiler. A double-boiler is basically a steel bowl floating on a pot of boiling water.
To begin you need to melt the waxes. Now the waxes that you are using are natural from nature.
1. Into the floating bowl, put 2 table spoons of cocoa butter.
2. Put in 2 table spoon of beeswax.
3. The next ingredient to follow is 2 tablespoon apricot kernel oil
4. Finally into the hot water floating bowl pour Jojoba oil.

Important: Make sure the beeswax melts completely.
Now after that, what you are going to do next is an infusion. So in a measuring jar, add 2 tablespoons of rose petals. Put in 1/2 cup hot boiling water.sip for 30 minutes.
Remove the hot water floating bowl and set it aside, now replace its place with a clean bowl. Into the new bowl add 2 table spoon of emulsifying wax, followed by 2 tablespoon rose infusion. Make sure they all melt.
Remove the bowl and ensure the two bowls are in the same temperatures. Always make sure this is the case for a best results. Now mix the contents in the two bowls together and thoroughly. From here add 1 tablespoon rose hip oil, then 1 tablespoon vitamin oil.
Finally add 20 drops of geranium oil, and there you have it. Geranium almond face cream is ready for use. Store the cream in brown bottle to avoid reaction with sunlight.